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The Secret to Better Sex....

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THIS is Killing US.....

On today's episode, Dr. Noelle discusses the Sitting Epidemic....we are sitting more and moving less and THIS is taking years off our life. Sitting is the new smoking and has major impact on disease progression, our health and longevity.

Age Better...Live Longer... Doing This

On today's episode Dr. Noelle discusses the health benefits of Stretching, and how Flexibility of body and mind is a marker for Longevity. Science shows us that incorporating a daily stretching routine may just add years to our life.

Burn More Fat Doing THIS...

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Doc I can't sleep...HELP!!!

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I Have what??

On the premiere episode, Dr. Noelle discusses her own battle with anxiety, and how she was able to address it through the power of Breathwork- Pranayama. Ultimately what fueled her drive to make Yoga a focal point of her medical practice.